Your astrological “Big Three”

Even if you are new to astrology, you might have heard the phrase “The Big Three.” These three components act as the cornerstone in assessing and understanding personality traits.

But what are they exactly, and why are they so important?

Simply put, the big three refers to the Sun, Moon, and Rising sign, also known as the Ascendant. Although they are only a tiny fraction of the full astrological makeup, they still can tell much about a person and their psychological and emotional modus operandi.

The Sun sign, which most people are familiar with, plays a crucial role in shaping our identity. It represents our Ego, drive, and the things that excite and light us up. It also talks about the father or a father figure in our life, making it a vital component in assessing personality. Overall, the Sun represents the very core of our being.

The Moon sign tells how we express, give, and receive love. It is essentially our love language and describes our idea of emotional security and comfort. Furthermore, it strongly relates to our home, family, ancestors, memories, and mother and mother figure. While the Sun represents the conscious part of the psyche, the Moon describes the subconscious part of it.

Lastly, the Rising sign or Ascendant represents the particular zodiac sign that was risen (hence the name) on the Eastern horizon at the moment of birth. Thus, the sign represents the lens or the filter through which we see the world and how the world sees us. Since the Rising sign represents our first impression on others, some astrologers call it our “astrological handshake.” While the Sun sign points to our goals, motivations, and significant life themes, the Rising sign tells more about our ways and styles to achieve them.

As you can see, the abovementioned parts of the birth chart can tell a lot about a person. While they are equally important, they show the various layers of the psyche and how they are highlighted at different times and situations. Once, I stumbled upon a humorous yet highly accurate description of the Big Three online. It said the Rising sign is like the first date, the Sun sign is the relationship, and the Moon sign is when you put the ring on it. While the Big Three talk more than just about relationships, they perfectly sum up the three main layers of our personalities—from the more easily accessible to the more private ones.