Why is it essential to have the correct time of birth for a reading?
The time of birth is a vital part of chart reading because it determines your Rising Sign, the lens through which you see and experience the world and the world sees you. Furthermore, it also sets up the twelve astrological houses and the four angles, both hugely important parts of any birth chart.
I don't know the exact time of my birth. How can I find it out?
There are several possible ways to do it. Firstly, you can ask your hospital for records by email, phone, or in-person visit to see if they can help. Another way to find your original birth certificate is to check family safes and photo albums (and any other places you think it can hide). However, before you start searching, you should double-check whether your certificate comes with the time of birth, as it depends on the particular country. (A quick Google search will give you the answer.) If you know that your certificate contains the time of birth but cannot find it, you can request a new one from your vital records office. They are there to assist you in this process, ensuring you have the necessary documentation.
As a last resort, you can always look into getting your birth time rectified by an astrologer specializing in birth chart rectification.
I don't live in Australia. Can I still have a reading with you?
I do live readings via Zoom, which you can easily book on the website. However, if you cannot find a suitable time slot because of a different time zone, contact me first to see if we can find a time that works for both of us.
What type of astrology do you practice?
I practice modern tropical Western astrology using the traditional Whole sign house system, one of astrology’s oldest and most commonly used house division systems, dating back to the Hellenistic period.
I find horoscopes in magazines and newspapers superficial and often inaccurate. Why would this reading be any different?
Those so-called horoscopes are wildly generic and, thus, rarely correct. They do not consider your place of birth, let alone your time of birth. They are solely based on your star sign (also called your Sun sign) and nothing else, and it suggests that everyone with the same sign must share the same experience. However, we don’t even need to be astrologers to understand that this could not be further from the truth.
At what age should I get a reading for my child/children?
There is no minimum age for chart reading. A birth chart is valid and active from the very moment of our birth. One of the (many) fascinating things about the birth chart is that it can tell a great deal about a person, young or old, at any age.
How should I prepare for the reading?
There is nothing you need to do before the reading; however, contemplating what you want to get out of the session is beneficial. Often, there is a primary reason why we want to get a reading, so it is helpful to prepare any questions you may have, but it is equally okay not to have any. Fundamentally, an astrological reading is an exciting opportunity for self-discovery that can bring some real A-HA moments and various emotions; thus, having a well-rested mind and body can positively enhance your overall experience.