On December 21, 2020, the Great Conjunction occurred between Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius. Although these two planets align every 20 years, this was especially significant as it started a new 200-year cycle in Air signs. (As well as a new 800-year macrocycle.) These two planets last met in the Air sign in 1405. Throughout Millennia, the shift of these two planets from one element to the next always coincided with substantial paradigm shifts. Their previous encounters in Earth signs focused on materialism, the accumulation of resources and wealth, territory control, hierarchy, and the overall divinity between the masses and leaders. Industrial capitalism is one of the most recent examples of Jupiter and Saturn in Earth signs. However, Saturn and Jupiter’s alignment in Aquarius (Air sign) signals a new era of decentralization, shifting orders, and the importance of networking and spirituality over wealth accumulation. The fall of the Roman Empire and the birth of the Renaissance are just two examples of events that happened while Saturn and Jupiter occupied the air elements. These were very different events; nevertheless, both brought unprecedented changes to the collective. Again, we are only in the fourth year of the Air Element era, which will last over two centuries, yet the dying of old systems, structures, and ideologies and the birth of new ones are very evident. Regardless of where we look and our individual beliefs, we cannot unsee that something is fundamentally shifting in our society right before our eyes.
The Great Conjunction is a massive astrological topic, and I only mentioned it to see how we got to the current Jupiter square Saturn aspect. However, if you want to learn more about it, plenty of information is available on the net, and here is a fascinating article:
So, after the initial meeting of Saturn and Jupiter in 2020, these two planets will form a significant aspect called the opening square. It will occur on August 19, 2024. At this point, Jupiter will be at 17 degrees in Gemini and Saturn at 17 degrees in Pisces. There will be another square on December 24, 2024, at 14 degrees in Gemini and Pisces; the last one will happen on June 15, 2025, at 1 degree in Cancer and Aries.
So what does all these mean?
Squares are associated with heightened activities and an overall time of crisis. This particular square is all about a reality check with a capital R. Individually, we all had something new seeded in the Aquarius part of our charts. And now, four years later, we are being tested to see if we are heading in the right direction and doing what we are meant to do. Because of the square aspect, life events and situations can feel overly dynamic, bringing changes and busyness into our daily lives. Since Jupiter and Saturn have very different natures, we will experience conflict and confusion. It can happen both internally and externally. The part where Jupiter is transiting in our chart highlights themes like excitement, joy, wisdom, and positivity. In contrast, the area of Saturn talks about restriction, fear, delays, roadblocks, and the feeling of pessimism.
For instance, in my own chart, this square occurs between my 11th and 8th houses. The 11th house represents friends, networking, larger organizations, gains, and community. In modern astrology, it also rules your social media followers. (The house of a social community or social network.) Thus, I am all fired up by the abovementioned topics. I am working hard to create astrology content (in written and video form) to eventually build an online presence (a social community) by sharing all I know about astrology with others. However, Saturn traveling through my 8th house, the house that, surprise, surprise, rules astrology and all things esoteric and hidden, as well as fears, the subconscious mind, profound transformation, and deep intimacy, I have concerns and doubts and many conflicting feelings. It manifests in my life right now that one day, I am excited about being an astrologer. In contrast, the very next day, I questioned myself if I was good enough, if I could ever do this full-time, or if it was even worth my time to spend hours writing a single blog. The truth is that whenever Saturn is involved, patience and hard work are required. Interestingly, the more I realize that I’m just beginning a lengthy transformation involving my career and the more profound and hidden aspects of myself, the more I want to do it (Jupiter). Still, I am also more and more aware that things will take more time and effort than I initially thought. (Saturn)
So, somewhere in your birth chart, you have two places that fall under the Gemini and Pisces domain, so in one way or another, you are also influenced by it. We all are. However, this transit will significantly affect you if you have any planets or points in the mutable signs, such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. If you are familiar with your birth chart, you can look at it to see what is happening in your life right now, the changes that need to be made, and the challenges that will likely occur.
Essentially, over the next ten months, we will all experience a significant reality check in certain areas of our lives. It will ask us to resolve and overcome the conflict between ambition and reality, to see what ideas and actions serve us and what needs to be let go or restructured. Priorities and goals will likely change, but acting on those changes will take much work, both externally and internally. Apart from the inherent challenging aspect of this transit, it’s also important to remember that at different points, both Jupiter and Saturn will retrograde, highlighting the importance of readjusting and redoing things; thus, being flexible with all the (re) occurring changes is vital. There will be a lot of pivoting and change of direction, for sure. Luckily, because this square happens in Mutable signs (the quickest to embrace change), we will have more chances to succeed.
Bring it on, Universe, and let’s see!