Have you ever noticed that certain people tend to embody specific characteristics? I’m sure you do. It’s something we can easily see but without consciously paying attention. It’s not like we are wondering (unless, like me, you have your natal Mercury in the eighth house) why Uncle Tom happens to be so down-to-earth and practical or why the girl next door is such a busy bee constantly buzzing with energy. Or why is our best friend a born chatterbox with such an airy vibe, while Auntie Susie naturally dwells on emotions and is a true empath?
Sure, each zodiac sign has distinct characteristics on its own. Still, the answer to these temperamental differences often lies in the four elements and, more importantly, their overall composition in the birth chart.
Okay, so what does this all mean?
In astrology, the twelve zodiac signs are grouped into four elements: air, fire, earth, and water. Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra belong to the Air element and are collectively called the Air signs. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius belong to the fire element and are collectively called the fire signs. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn belong to the Earth element, collectively representing the Earth signs, and Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio belong to the water element and are known as the water signs. Like in nature, these four elements have distinct characteristics yet are essentially interconnected. Thus, we need all four in our birth chart to operate optimally.
The air element is fundamentally about connection and communication. It represents our thoughts, ideas, and intellect. It is also our voice and how we use it in social connection and information exchange. Since the air element and what it represents have everything to do with the head, when we have too much air, we can become too attached to ideas and ideologies and disconnected from reality by becoming too heady. Too little air, though, might cause difficulty with learning and self-expression.
Fire is associated with action, power, initiation, motivation, and dynamism in general. It also represents warmth and vitality. Thus, people with a dominant fire in their chart can be compassionate, energetic, and enthusiastic. However, too much of it can become destructive and create a hot mess. Yet, too little fire can manifest in a lack of motivation, fighting spirit, and a lower overall energy level.
Earth represents stability and the things we value in life. It’s about practicality and a solid foundation. Earth is the element that can turn ideas (air) and motivations (fire) into practical, down-to-earth actions, creating something lasting and valuable. Like in nature, earth in astrology represents physical form, resistance, and the feeling of groundedness. We need the earth element to have a stable life; however, too much of it can bring rigidity, slowness, and an inability to change and let go.
Water is all about feelings and emotions and about relating to others. It also represents intuition and imagination. In the same way, we need water in nature for things to flourish; we need water to build deep, emotional connections and keep things fresh and alive. Water, essentially, is the element (and what it represents) that keeps us human. Life without emotions can become very cold and mechanical; however, too much of it can cause problems regarding lack of boundaries and can bring delusions and other self-destructive behaviors.
As you can see, these elements play an equally vital role in nature, both outside of us (macrocosmos) and in our inner, astrological nature (microcosmos). It is worth remembering that each of us is multifaceted, and our astrological chart clearly shows our personality’s different layers and aspects. The elements themselves are just one of the multitude of layers.
Do the elements play a significant role in everyone’s chart? Not precisely; their importance varies from chart to chart.
Basically, the more elemental imbalance in the chart, for instance, having one or two dominating elements instead of a balanced mix of the four or missing an element or more entirely, called the elemental void, the more significance it has in the native’s life. These astrological signatures are only apparent in some people’s charts. Still, when they show up, they give a particular flavor to the chart, making the personality somewhat stand out.
Just like in the cases of Uncle Tom and the girl next door, your best friend, and good old Aunt Susie. 🙂